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Join the drive for a safer Sri Lanka – ex­clu­sive re­wards for the covid-19 vac­ci­nated from Colombo City Centre

25 July 2021

Colombo City Centre – the pre­mier lux­ury life­style des­ti­na­tion of Sri Lanka – of­fers ex­clu­sive re­wards for cus­tomers who have been fully vac­ci­nated. As an ini­tia­tive to pro­mote the im­por­tance of vac­ci­na­tion to pro­tect the health of peo­ple and help in the bat­tle against Covid- 19, this amaz­ing re­wards scheme by Colombo City Centre hopes to mo­ti­vate cit­i­zens to ex­tend their sup­port to­wards the vac­ci­na­tion drive in Sri Lanka and re­ward them for their ded­i­ca­tion on the path to re­cov­ery.

Cus­tomers who shop at any store at the Mall can pro­duce their gov­ern­ment vac­ci­na­tion card with both com­pleted vac­cines marked, along with all their bills of that day to the help desk. Bills to­talling be­tween Rs. 5,000 and Rs. 10,000 will re­ceive a Rs. 500 CCC Gift Voucher, above Rs. 10,000 to Rs. 15,000 – a CCC Gift Voucher worth Rs. 1,000, above Rs. 15,000 to Rs. 20,000 – a Rs. 1,500 CCC Gift Voucher, and above Rs. 20,000 – a CCC Gift Voucher val­ued at Rs. 2,000. These gift vouchers are re­deemable only un­til the 30th of Au­gust 2021, and can­not be re­deemed on the same day of re­ceiv­ing. Hurry over toColombo City Centre as only a lim­ited num­ber of gift vouchers are avail­able!

Colombo City Centre is Sri Lanka’s first BOI-ap­proved mixed use de­vel­op­ment project, fully owned by the cor­po­rate pow­er­house, Abans Group; ris­ing 47 storeys above the heart of the city,with a state-of-the-art in­ter­na­tional stan­dard shop­ping mall, 192 op­u­lent apart­ments and the re­cent ad­di­tion of“The Court­yard by Mar­riott” ho­tel, which is planned to be opened to­wards the end of this year. The Mall at Colombo City Centre is spread across 200,000 square feet of prime re­tail space, and houses famed in­ter­na­tional names such as Ap­ple, Swarovski, Aldo and Charles & Keith, as well as lo­cal favourites such as Abans, Colombo

Jew­ellery Stores, ODEL and Spa Cey­lon. It also fea­tures the Cargills Food City – which op­er­ates a spe­cialty gourmet su­per­mar­ket – plus world­class res­tau­rants pro­vid­ing the best of lo­cal and global cui­sine, along with am­ple park­ing space for cus­tomers.


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